Ota yhteyttä

Let us help you find the best possible financing for your business! Our customer service is available from 08:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Unusual opening hours

We are open every weekday from 08:00 to 18:00. Here you can see our different opening hours. These days we are closed.

  • Huom! Asiakaspalvelumme sulkeutuu perjantaina 7.3. poikkeuksellisesti jo klo 15:00.
  • New Year's Day
  • Epiphany
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • First of May
  • Day of Resurrection
  • Pentecostal
  • Midsummer's Eve
  • All Saints' Day
  • Independence Day (6/12)
  • Christmas holiday (24-26/12)

Have we contacted you?

Sometimes we contact companies to follow up on an application or actively cooperate with us. We may call several different numbers depending on whether it is a loan, business card or debt collection issue.

Have we contacted your company and want to know why? Call us at 09-424 503 99, then we will tell you more. Of course, you can also send an email to asiakaspalvelu@qred.com or chat with us here on the website.

Remember that you can always ask to be called back if you are called, to make sure you are talking to the right bank or company.

Swedish entrepreneur happy with his Qred VISA business card

For the authorities only

Select one of the following options to contact us:

1. Send an email to legal@qred.com
2. Send a physical letter:
Qred Bank AB
Drottninggatan 98
SE-111 60 Stockholm, Sweden

Take note!
You may not contact customer service using any of these options.